Even though we had a good idea of what Venice would be like, or at least look like, I don't think any of us were really prepared for its' charm and beauty! This unique city built on the water is quite a sight to behold, and although the heat wave threatened to do us in at times, we all enjoyed the beauty and uniqueness of lovely Venezia!
Gondola Rides were outside of our budget, but we did enjoy a lovely boat ride for a couple of hours all through the city. While on it, we were pulled over by a police-radar speed trap. That added a bit of unexpected excitement! |
The lovely streets of Venice! |
such lovely old buildings with interesting window boxes displays |
We took part in a tour called "The Hidden Venice" where many an interesting alley and small canal streets awaited. |
Carting around a large bottle of water was imperative as it was hot and humid (have I mentioned that?) and we were on-the-go! -Anywhere and everywhere, as long as we did not have to be in our hovel hotel room. (No pics of it on this laptop unfortunately.) We had struggled to find a hotel within our budget, so I suppose we should not have been shocked with our lodgings at single * Hotel Caneva! Down smelly, graffiti filled alleys and up 3 steep flights of stairs to an non-airconditioned apartment. It was clean though, and it didn't kill us to stay there, but I took some convincing. |
Happy Visitors to Venezia! |
So so lovely! I am so glad you all get such an amazing adventure!