I am a few days behind on posting, as we have had no free wifi for a several days now.
How do I describe Rome? Words are not enough, and I cannot post pics today as I am not on a laptop. Everything was INTENSE in Rome-the weather a stifling 40 degrees and 80 percent humidity (no AC but mercifully, our hostel host brought us a fan). The Italian win over Germany in the semi final- it was a thrill to be a part of the hype and celebration. We thoroughly enjoyed walking home on the night of their win, hooting and hollering along with everyone else. There was horn blowing, car honking, flags flying. My sister is a tremendous crowd stirrer! Half the fun was watching Kathy begin a cheer or a whoot whoot and fire up the people walking alongside of her. We had so much fun! In terms of sightseeing, there was so much to take in and experience and imagine (if the sun and heat did not interfere with us applying ourselves) Everywhere we looked there was magnificence, opulence, extravagance and we felt a bit of self induced pressure to see and understand it all. But let's face it, we failed really. On our trip out of Rome K summed it up- country girls not quite getting the hang of the big city.
(Added some photos, during an edit session, later.)
Hot but smiling in the Colosseum
HAHAHA mom classic. Likley never watched a soccer game in her life but she knows how to hoot and holler with the best of them.